
July & August Book Reviews

Hello my loves, Here's July & August's book reviews! ☼ Punk 57 - Penelope Douglas3/5 Stars☆☆☆ This book…it’s free on Amazon, first of all, if that tells you anything about it. So many people on Booktube were raving about it and since it wasn’t going to cost me anything to read it I thought why… Continue reading July & August Book Reviews


Music of the Month – March

Hello my loves, Here's a (very late) March music! ☼ we're good - dua lipa The lobsters (are they lobsters?) in this give me stress bc I just want them to be together. i'll never love again - lady gaga love is back - celeste angels like you - miley cyrus… Continue reading Music of the Month – March


Music of the Month – November

Hello my loves, Here's November's music! ⚡️ summertime in paris - jaden ft. willow I love it so much when these two come together, they make magic - this song is no exception. So beautiful. honeymood fades - sabrina carpenter I saw the title of this and thought it was really interesting so… Continue reading Music of the Month – November