
Music of the Month – November

Hi my loves, I feel like in terms of music nothing happened in November, so this is probably (to your relief) the shortest monthly music post you'll ever see. Here it is! ☼ watermelon sugar - harry styles Don't get me started. Do not get me started. You all know how I feel about this man… Continue reading Music of the Month – November

blogging awards

sunshine blogger award (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10) â˜¼

Hello my loves, We're going old school. Back when I first started this blog I used to post 3 times a week, usually on a Monday, Thursday and Saturday, and then around 5 / 6 months ago (maybe less I can't remember I'm getting old) I took it down to 2 posts a week and… Continue reading sunshine blogger award (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10) â˜¼

deep · personal

the time of my life fighting dragons with you

I woke up the other morning thinking about how I stood in front of a church full of people talking about satan and the depths of hell when I read out my best friend's eulogy at her funeral. It was an inside joke, and I remember standing there talking about it and wondering if the… Continue reading the time of my life fighting dragons with you