not so deep (chatty)

10 things to do during self-isolation

Hello my loves, In light of recent events, this can be a scary time for a lot of people and a lot of us are bound to eventually feel extremely bored and fed-up of essentially being trapped and confined inside own homes, even though that is of course, the right thing to do. I thought… Continue reading 10 things to do during self-isolation


March Book Reviews (Harry Potter!) βš‘️

Hello my loves, Here's March's book reviews! 🌊 Deeplight - Frances Hardinge 4.5 / 5 stars β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† This !! Book !! I mentioned this in my aesthetically pleasing book haul and said that I thought I was going to absolutely love it...and I was right! This story was so beautiful and such a lovely read… Continue reading March Book Reviews (Harry Potter!) βš‘️



Hello hello hello, Welcome back to the 5th instalment of Chlo's signed Kpop series where she spends an unnecessary amount of money on Kpop albums and then wonders why her bank account is constantly crying. As always, I try and space these out because I know there's only a small minority of you who actually… Continue reading KPOP SIGNED ALBUM HAUL #5 – BTS, X1, TAEMIN